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About Us

about us

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering contributes substantially to all kinds of industrial activity, and therefore has a strong influence on our daily lives. Because of the broad interests of students and wide scope of activities in which the mechanical engineering are engaged, the research and education activities of the department cover many fields both fundamental and applied, for example; the effective usage of heat-fluid, energy conversion and environmental control, the strength of industrial materials, dynamics analysis of machine, intelligent machine control, synthesis of robotic and mechatronics systems, and machine design and production.

There are currently 21 academic staff members in the department, and every year the department accepts about 90 freshmen.

The department is organized into three principal sections which include the following research and education fields.

Research and Education Fields and Academic Staffs (Research Activities Introduction)

Aerospace and Thermal Engineering





Carbon-neutral Fuel Engineering

Assoc. Prof. Ryoya SHIRAISHI [researchmap]



Mechanosystems Design Engineering





Innovative Design Engineering

Prof. Tsuyoshi KOGA [researchmap]



Biomedical Engineering





  • 機械系女子のススメ
  • 動画でみる機械工学科
  • IRE_Asia

  • よくあるご質問


山口大学工学部 機械工学科





